Service Requests

Service requests have to be signed using a registered key pair. dreiAttest automatically intercepts requests that match a specified url prefix (e.g. and adds the signature and other necessary information as HTTP headers. The server validates the signature and only if this validation is successful it forwards the request to the view.

To prevent replay-attacks dreiAttest will support obaining a nonce from the server in the future. Currently 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is always used in place of the nonce. We recommend using SSL with certificate pinning to mitigate the risk of replay-attacks.

Important: the service should validate that the user id matches the expected value. However the user id is NOT authenticated at this point. For authentication other techniques (JWT, etc.) should be used.

sequenceDiagram participant App participant App Library participant Middleware as View-Decorator participant Server as Service App->>App Library: initiate request App Library->>Middleware: signed request Note over Middleware: verify signature alt verification successful Middleware->>Server: app request, uid Note over Server: execute request, ensure uid matches Note over Server: uid is not authenticated, yet! Server->>Middleware: response, shouldDelete opt shouldDelete Note over Middleware: delete pubkey end Middleware->>App Library: response App Library->>App: response else Middleware->>App Library: error Note over App Library: handle error<br>e.g. by generating new<br>keys and retrying or<br>forwarding to app end


Service requests are automatically signed by dreiAttest. The signature is added to the request as a header. Additionally the view decorator requires the uid and and the nonce that was used so it can verify the signature. The corresponding headers are added before the signature is generated, i.e. they are also signed.

Headers (in addition to the common headers):

“Dreiattest-uid”: “;123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000”
“Dreiattest-nonce”: “00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000”
“Dreiattest-signature”: sign(requestHash :: snonce),

with requestHash = sha256(<request_url> :: <request_method> :: <request_headers_as_JSON (keys sorted alphabetically)> :: <request_body_data>)

“Dreiattest-user-headers”: comma separated list of header names (e.g. “Accept,Cache-Control”)

For the signature only the headers specified in “Dreiattest-user-headers” are considered. The reason for this is that proxies or other middlewares could add their own headers which are not part of the signature.

If the validation is successful the request is forwarded to the view which can then return its intended response.

Validation not successful:

Status: 403

“Dreiattest-error”: Error Key


Requests that do not match the specified url prefix (e.g. are forwarded to the service directly.